Clean Your Devices 101
Clean Your Devices 101

No, seriously. Think of how often you touch those daily devices like your phone or your computer. While eating. After going out in public. Touching handles…and doors…and…carts (shiver). How can you not want to sanitize your devices literally every hour?

Now my friends and family know I can be a bit (a lot) extreme when it comes to device cleanliness. But honestly, you are putting that phone up to your face daily. So yes, I Windex/alcohol wipe/Lysol (insert any other 99.999% germ killers here) all my devices about 4…to 20 times a day. Look, I am busy and do a lot. I’m not taking any chances, but I also despise smudges and smears on my screens. These phones, tablets, watches, and computers cost way too much to not take (overly) good care of them.

With that, join me for an in-depth overview of how to get your devices clean both inside and out! We will cover everything from how to beat that sticker grime to updating those apps that have been yelling that your security is so far out of date you should probably opt to never leave the house again! Afterwards, you will hopefully feel prepared to venture into the world knowing your devices look as close to brand new as possible and that they are running as fast as…well…as they should at whatever age and quality they are currently! Let’s get started!

How-To Do the Physical Cleansing

Let’s get down to the fine tuned details of your situation. Every electronic device you have is disgusting. Now, I’m just basing this assumption off the fact that you are here, reading this “How-To” post and rant about cleaning your devices. So don’t be offended. Take action!

I’m going to go fancy to cheap with these instructions, so feel free to pick your path, as it were.

A set of different color microfiber cloths.

The cleansing apparatus

Grab a microfiber cleaning cloth (to really ensure you don’t make any scratches on your gorgeous insert totally cool device-of-the-time that won’t date this post 10 years from now. If you don’t have a microfiber cloth, a regular cloth will work fine. In lieu of both, you could always use your shirt. Still no? Okay, use a paper towel, but don’t get mad if it leaves dust all over your screen or (shiver) scratches! Not to mention the environment, the gaping hole in our ozone, and the lack of trees in the rainforests and such. I digress.

A woman using a spray bottle to spray cleaning solution onto a television screen.

The cleansing solution

Purchase yourself a fine-tuned device cleansing solution from your local has-it-all store. This will ensure your device’s screen will not be damaged from the harsh chemicals that ravage your countertops to degrease the area after your filthy cooking sessions. Too expensive? Quite alright, because Apple just approved using isopropyl alcohol as safe for their screens! No access…Windex? It’s not the greatest for some screens, but it has always served me (and my device’s) well. Really? Okay, just splash some water onto whatever cloth you have and pretend germs can’t swim.

A woman spraying cleaning solution directly onto a microfiber cloth.

The cleansing method

Now is the fun part! Take your preferred cleansing solution of choice, put it on your preferred cleansing apparatus (because putting a liquid directly on a device…should not be your first decision), and gently scrub all around, attempting to avoid getting liquid from your cleansing apparatus into any of the ports (because again…don’t). If you find smears, smudges, stains, or stickiness(es), scrub that device harder (obviously don’t break it, be reasonable). Still have some sticky residue? Goo Gone is magic and a tiny drop or two will remove even the most stubborn of sticky smudges. I love stickers, too, ya’ll, so I get it.

The cleansing celebration!

Congratulations!!! 🎉🎊🎈🍾 You have officially cleaned your device…kinda.

You literally just wiped it down. That took you all of…what…5 minutes? It should have taken 1. Max. You’ll get there. I believe in you. ❤️

Advanced cleansing

You still need to get the dust out of any vents using either a compressed air can (or better yet, just open them if you can and clean the dust off properly). For tiny holes and vents in your device, grab a QTip and carefully twirl it into the open areas. If there is still some stubborn dirt particles that refuse to vacate after your “no more dust allowed” eviction notice, then grab a paper clip and with the patience and steadiness of a glass-blowing ballerina walking a tightrope, scrape it out. Pressure is not your friend with this method, folks. Be gentle!

How-To Do the Digital Cleansing

After you have cleaned the physical dirt and grime from your devices, the next step is to get the digital contents organized and updated. This process can be as in-depth or quick as needed, but you should strive to do every digital cleansing step at least 1-2 times per year.

Update the Operating System

Your devices will receive Operating System updates regularly to fix bugs, increase security, and add new features. These updates will come in full version releases (e.g. – 1.0, 2.0, etc) and smaller patch updates (e.g. – 1.0.2, 2.3, etc.). It is always good idea to install the smaller patch releases as soon as possible to ensure any security risks or bugs are quickly fixed on your device and will not affect your daily use. Full version releases are a bit trickier. If you are truly interested and excited about the new features a full version release may offer, you can go ahead and update. But, be sure to back up all your important information and files into an online service, just in case the update causes any problems. This may not happen, but with a full version update being so new there is always a chance that bugs and security risks are present that have not been found, yet. With either type of update, head on over to your device’s system settings to find the area for System Updates and follow the prompts to begin updating.

Update All the Applications

Just like your operating system, the applications that you use will also have updates regularly. However, major releases of a software update are usually much safer than with an operating system full version update. So feel free to update your apps often when an update is available. Each application is different on how or where to update, so refer to your application’s help documentation or visit Google for a quick search of “how to update APPLICATION NAME”.

Delete All the Files You No Longer Need, Organize the Rest

Have you checked out your Downloads folder recently? If not, my guess is that it is filled with far too many files. Take time to go through your Downloads folder and delete any files that you no longer need. Do the same process with any files on your desktop and in your Documents folder. If you do want to keep a file, be sure to organize it properly into a more permanent folder (e.g. – Pictures, Documents, Videos, etc).

Advanced Digital Cleansing

Files may not be the only digital item living rent free on your device. You can go an extra step further by deleting any apps that you no longer use. This will free up storage space on your device and may help it run faster, too! You can also look into updating the software that powers your computer to ensure your hardware is running as efficiently as possible. This can usually be done through a specialized application from the device’s manufacturer, such as the Lenovo Vantage application, and usually only applies to computers (tablets, phones, and watches will only provide the operating system updates).

The Final Celebration!

That’s it! You did it! Your device is sanitized, sparkling clean, and running as fast as a brand new Ferrari (or…at least as fast as it should be running in its current condition…whatever that may be)! Congratulations on your well spent effort. Be sure to revisit these processes regularly throughout the year and your devices should last to their longest potential lifespan with ease.

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